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Sunday, May 26, 2013

When everyone feels very far away

I think it must be because its a holiday weekend here in the United States. Specifically, its Memorial Day tomorrow, which means my husband will stay home from work and the kids will be home from school.  We will do our best to try to remember our fallen soldiers who gave their lives keeping us safe while also enjoying a day together as a family.

But, days like tomorrow remind me that my family (not my husband and the children but the remainder of my family) and a large portion of my friends live very far away from us.  Now we have been so blessed to have moved to Texas and to have made such good friends here. Truly I could not have anticipated just how much we would love it and how many people here would welcome us with open arms. We aren't entirely family-less here either.  My mother in law lives near by and my brother in law, sister in law, and two adorable nieces are close too.  My sister in law's family has welcomed us and treated us like family too.  I am really, really lucky and really, really happy to be here.

Sometimes I still miss New Jersey, New York City, and the family and friends there. To be fair, if we were in NJ this weekend, my family wouldn't even be there. They've travelled all over the place and are busy with their own lives.  But an extra day on a hot weekend always reminds me of hamburgers, hot dogs, and dessert at my mother's house.

And even though this year I couldn't have eaten all of my favorite long weekend dishes, I think about them and the people who go with them.  I'm missing them just a little bit.

How about you?  Anyone you wish was with you right now?

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