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Sunday, December 30, 2012
My 2012 in review
Saturday, December 1, 2012
In my Mind's Eye
THe picture above is of the beach at The Buccaneer Hotel in St. Croix, which is an island in the USVI. I love it there. We used to go every year when I was a little girl. I can still picture that beach, that place when I close my eyes.
I guess you could say its my happy place. For a long time, I've had a story brewing in my mind that would feature that place. Oh, it'll be a long time until I can write it but its there. In my Mind's Eye calling to me. The perfect place.
Where is your perfect place? What do you picture in your Mind's Eye?
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Why Can't I Just Finish This Book?
I didn't used to have this problem. I could plow out a book, edit it, submit it, and be on to the next one in the blink of an eye. Why have I stopped being able to do it?
Well, because life became more complicated, my children's needs became more vast, and well I now have just about a million other things to distract me.
But I still really want to push out the stories with my hands shaking from the excitement of writing something really good. I don't want to have to start and stop.
So I'm going to have to readjust some things in my life and see what I can do.
Monday, November 26, 2012
If You Have A Story To Tell
How many people do you know who have written half a book? They get a great idea for a story and they sit down to write it. Over the course of several weeks they write when they feel like it, here and there, until they are about half-way done with the book. Or until they come to a sticking place. Then they stop writing.
They get distracted. Life gets complicated. Years pass and they still have not finished the book. Even when they go to sit down and read the book they can't even recognize what they've written as their own.
They never finish the book. They are forever half way through the book that they never finish.
When people tell me they have an idea for a book I'm always thrilled. The world needs really good stories. And more of them. But I remind them that if they have a story to tell, a really good one, they are obligated to tell the story. They can't tell half of it. They have to sit down, regularly, until they've finished the story.
Because, really, who wants to read half a book?
To those of you doing NaNoWrimo, I salute you. I've never done it and I'm so impressed. Finish your stories!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
My Post-Thanksgiving Brain
If you celebrated, did you have a nice Thanksgiving?
We did. And I will admit that I am feeling a little bit blah this morning. No matter how much coffee I seem to ingest into my brain I can't seem to perk up. (Ha Ha, see how I used the word perk?)
Today will be filled with an eclectic grouping of activities that will involve a trip to the grocery store and dinner out with my parents and my brother and his girlfriend. They all travelled down to be with us for the holidays and for that I feel truly lucky.
Maybe the brain slowness I'm enduring has something to do with the copious amounts of wine I ingested yesterday....Hmmmm
Hope you're all well.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
If you're celebrating Thanksgiving I wish you a happy and healthy one. If you're not, I wish you a wonderful day doing whatever you are doing today!
Its been quite a year for me, a big cross country move took up most of my time but now we are settled and very happy here in Texas. (Even if I still miss my friends and family a lot!)
I appreciate the letters you send me letting me know that you enjoy my writing. I'm grateful for every one.
Right now, I am working on 3 different projects. The next in my YA series The Warrior, the last Westervelt book, and a story I'm writing for a multi-authored series that I've just started.
I'm a really lucky woman.
Hugs to all of you.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Before I was published
Thursday, September 13, 2012
A Million Years
My father's amazing ability to stop nuclear bombs and my mother's future telling abilities aside, I had to look away from my son tonight when he'd moved on from his questions because my eyes were filled with tears. I remembered what that felt like. This tremendous wish that my parents should never leave me, should never die and leave me alone until I demanded of them a promise that I, now as an adult, know they could not truly make. And yet they did and it helped me. Sometimes, I still want to ask my mother never to die but as a grown-up mother of 3 I leave the question buried deep inside where it can haunt only me.
Because I know, having lost my father-in-law a little over a year ago, that we are all very very mortal. And I wish I could make that promise to my middle guy--who is so tough on the outside and so soft in his core and the only one of my three children to ever ask me such a thing--that I will never leave him. Because I want that, too. A million years. And always together.
Right now, I'm working on 3 different projects. One is super secret and I can't discuss it yet. But the other is a Warrior novel and I have to say I'm very pleased with it. The third? I'm actually trying my hand at screen writing. Don't get too excited, I've only written 3 pages. I may throw the whole thing out.
I hope all is well with you and I promise to blog more now that I'm settled.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Things I Regret
But, its made me sort of pensive and, yes, I'll admit it, somewhat unavailable to my friends and family who want to speak to me or reach out to me. I love all of them and their phone calls and e-mails force me to get my head out from under the covers and continue to stay connected to the world.
I digress.
I wanted to write about the things that I regret so I think I'll go ahead and do that. I know there are people who never regret anything they've done in their lives. They think every step led to another step and got them to where they are. I don't live that way. I have deep regrets that carry with me like a backpack I will forever bring with me through the halls of my life.
1. I regret friendships that have either faded away or ended in an explosive fire. I recently heard that a woman I had once been close with moved to Hong Kong with her family. We had not been speaking for a little over a year. She'd done some things I could not support and ultimately driven me away from our friendship. When it had ended, I missed her acutely. We'd had lunch every week. There were a lot of things that I admired about her. I still feel the loss of her in my life. I'll never forget that she had us over for dinner the night after we got back from my father-in-law's funeral. I know that when things went askew they really went and there was no correcting it. But, I regret that loss. I regret that there was nothing I could do to save it.
2. I regret that I didn't appreciate school more when I was in it. Even graduate school. It always felt like it was just something I wanted to get through to get to the next spot. I think I didn't understand what a luxury it truly was to be able to learn with nothing else for me to do.
3. I regret all the times I haven't been the best mother I could be. 'Nuff said.
4. I regret all the times I haven't been the best wife, daughter, sister, friend.
5. I regret missed opportunities and chances not taken.
What about all of you? Do you have regrets?
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Books As Old Friends.
That would be, most likely, why I have reread all of Nalini Singh's Psy/Changeling books five times. This last week, I returned to earlier books by Lora Leigh. Specifically, Tanner's Scheme and Bengal's Heart. I think I most enjoy her books where the heroine, or hero, gets into some kind of trouble towards the end and it brings the other mate into the realization that they'd really better shape up emotionally because life is short and they could lose their other half.
Maybe I'm just a sap that way.
My mother used to call certain books, for her the tales of Jane Austen, old friends. If something terrible happened in the world, she could go visit her old friend for a while and feel better.
Do you have any old friends that you like to visit?
Saturday, August 11, 2012
From NJ to Texas and a million tons of stuff to get done
So, I've moved! If you've been following me, then you know by now that I've been preparing for several months now to move my family from New Jersey to Texas. Well, it's officially completed.
But, as most of you know if you've moved, things don't stop with the move. They barely get started. And now I have to finish setting up our life in Texas. Maybe there will come a day when all the things I need to get done are actually done.
What do you think?
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Lethal Beauty--Sara Brookes
She blew out a breath as she slumped onto the far side of the mattress. “You can say that again.”
Sensing her frustration—which matched his own—he reached over and clamped his hand around her ankle. She didn’t fight as he dragged her across the bed and into his arms. “It’s not as if it’s the end of the world.”
“No. It’s just…I’m used to being able to handle any situation.”
“And you don’t know how to handle this.”
“Not really.”
“I’m sure we can come up with ideas. In fact, I’m thinking of one right now.”
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Way I understand, it’s the other way around.” Her laughter rang out in the room, shattering the tension. He pulled her closer, content and sated for the moment. “You’re a remarkable woman. Strong, determined, not to mention sexy as sin.”
She squirmed against him and he took it as a signal she wasn’t used to hearing such things said about her. Her reaction made him decide to shower her with attention while they were trapped together.
He was both amused and terrified by her reactions. Her extraordinary skill set was evident and he found her tenacity admirable. She possessed a vulnerability, though she clearly did her best to hide that aspect of her personality. By his guess, she thought it would show a weakness if she let others know about any flaw in her perfection. A good covert operative couldn’t have any visible flaws. Otherwise, they weren’t very good at their job.
By the looks of things so far, she was very, very good at her job.
And, for reasons he didn’t completely understand, he had begun to fall in love with her.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Paging Doctor Wolf has Released!
So excited to announce that Paging Doctor Wolf has released. Its available wherever e-books are sold!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Submission Call From Liquid Silver Books
I Need a Hero
When you think of classic romance, what stories stick in your mind? What do all the best-loved stories have in common? We think that special something is a Hero. Liquid Silver Books is looking for stories that feature Heroes. Whether these Heroes are on the nightly news, or unnoticed, or hidden as they go about their work, they all deserve that one person who’s not only their perfect partner, but who also brings them a very special “happily ever after.” These stories’ protagonists must be strong and capable, but should not be perfect – they should feel real, complex, with normal faults and problems, and they should learn important lessons about themselves as they fight to overcome the odds. There can be strong secondary characters, but the building relationship between the protagonists while they battle an intense and gripping conflict or villain must be the main thrust of the story. Heroes stories can fall within any heat level, fitting our Platinum, Sterling, Liquid, or Molten guidelines - see for more information on our heat levels. But they are romance stories, not erotica - there must be a strong and compelling story linking everything together, not a series of sex scenes. They must be 15K or longer, and can take place in any setting, from small town America to the vast light years of outer space. They can include paranormal elements, such as shifters or alternate worlds, but the underlying Heroes theme must ring true. Do you have a larger-than-life Hero fighting against all odds in your latest manuscript? If so, we want to see it. We think strong ethics and leadership are in greater need today than ever, and we want to tell stories that showcase these qualities and entice our readers to add new books to their list of favorites. If you have any questions, drop me an email - Georgia at . Oh, and feel free to distribute to your favorite author-ly gathering places.
Monday, June 4, 2012
But the walking through my current house. And what the buyers think and want...its frustrating to me in a way that it shouldn't be.
You see I spent a lot of time working on this house. Getting it to where it is now and hearing that someone doesn't like something about it? Its hard. I have to get my kids and my dogs out every time a buyer wants to take a look.
I realize I'm whining. Forgive me. Soon this will all be behind me and, I know, it will all be worth it. But in the mean time, it turns out I'm not that good at selling a house.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Six Sentence Sunday
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Here are my 6 for this week...
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Print Books
But, it is really exciting for me to have a book come out in print, even if sales of print books, for me, tend to be much lower.
So, I thought I'd let you know which books of mine are in print. They are listed below.
Her Wolf
Summer's Wolf
Wolf Reborn (with Wolf's Valentine in the back of the book)
Eye Contact
Banging the Superhero
Love Beyond Time
Love Beyond Sanity
Love Beyond Loyalty
Love Beyond Sight
Holiday Anthology--I'll Be Mated For Christmas
If you're looking for print books of mine, these are the ones that are out there.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Interview with Natalie G. Owens
Only Fate can tell…
Facebook author page:
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Managing My Expectations
This is a picture of me with two of my children. We took it in Florida when I last visited my parents there. My third son had awoken from a nap and was feeling really cranky. He wouldn't get in the shot so he's not there with us. But he's cute and kind of a smaller version of his brothers.
There has been a lot going on in my life recently. A ton, actually. And its nice for me to look back at that picture and remember a quieter, peaceful time. Funny to think it was only a month ago and it already feels so far away from where I am now.
If you haven't heard from somewhere on Social Media or my shouting it from the roof, my family has decided, for a number of reasons, to make a large move in the next three months. We're going from our home in New Jersey to a new home in Austin, Texas. For my husband, who lived in Austin for a while, this is really exciting. I've visited Austin four times now. Its beautiful and I love it there. And I am terrified. And excited. And terrified. And excited. You get the gist.
I have to find a way to manage my expectations. I have to find a way be fine with the large variance of emotions that I am experiencing on a day-to-day basis. I have to give myself a break and tell myself its okay if my word counts are down on because I am so stressed. I need to sell my house up here. I need to find another one. I need to....
But I don't know if I'm really built for managing expectations. I tend to be a person who feels things very acutely and out loud.
Except these days I am the mother of 3 little boys. That means I never let them see me sweat (or as little as possible.)
So I'll just share with all of you. How does that sound??
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Six Sentence Sunday
This is from the first book in my YA series The Warrior.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Six Sentence Sunday
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Out of Place Mate Released!
Sean Quaid’s brothers don’t think he is very shifter-friendly. He certainly does not seem happy that they have both married and haven’t been showing up to work. Victoria Bensen wants nothing more than to cool him down and get him to stop making such a scene at Gunther’s Bar.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Six Sentence Sunday
Friday, April 13, 2012
Rebirth has released!

Carly Penn is thrilled when her older brother, Joe, marries her dear friend, Kaylee, with the help of the 1Night Stand service. Now, looking for a final bout of passion to carry her through as terminal cancer steals her life, she’s turned to Madame Eve for herself. She doesn’t expect a happy ending, just a single night to remember as she faces the end of her days.His date hadn’t arrived on time. He sighed. No matter. He could go out and obtain a woman for the night if she truly stood him up, and Madame Eve most assuredly would refund his money. She ran a reputable business that had many positive reviews on the Internet. The door to the hotel room opened softly, and he turned to regard the female standing there. She smelled clean and sweet, like she’d recently showered with unscented soap. He preferred women to smell just as they were. Already, he thought highly of his unnamed date. Stepping forward, he bent his head to nod. A pretty girl—she stood about five-foot-five—with nearly black hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin tone appeared to be tinged with olive. Someone in her background had been Mediterranean. Curvaceous as a woman should be, she approached him with her head held high, confidence in her every step. He took her hand and bent over to kiss it, surprised by the little gasp she released. Her reaction told him she did not spend much time with old-fashioned men. Opening his eyes to the power he’d been given when he’d been made a vampire, he examined the woman’s soul. Humans didn’t realize that a light force surrounded their bodies—oh, some called them auras—but in reality, what he saw was a touch of their soul in that light. Everyone had one, even him, which was how he knew that although he no longer lived as a human, he still existed in the light of divine. He’d seen Dorika’s just once before she’d died. They’d had one night together before the vampire who’d changed him had taken her life in an episode so violent he’d never seen the like since—and he’d seen a lot of horror. With her last gasp of air, she’d whispered to him that she would be reborn. Now, in her honor, he checked the soul of every woman he came in contact with. That had proven to be a lot of people and not one of them Dorika. He checked his date’s so-called aura, expecting to glance quickly and get on with the night, when the air suddenly disappeared out of the room. There it was, in all its bright, gold glory. Sprinkled with purple and blue. He hadn’t seen its like since Dorika left the world. Tears sprang to his eyes. The woman who held Dorika’s soul stared at him with wide eyes. “Are you okay?” The sounds of New York City tinged her low, husky voice. “Yes.” He swallowed. “You’re here.” |
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Co-Writing by April Fifer and Danielle Hylton-Outland


We get a lot of questions about co-writing. How does the process work? Do we fight with one another? Who writes what? Hopefully today we can answer some of those questions. April and I simply work great together. I honestly think that it takes a certain type of personality to be able to co-write. We have very mellow personalities; we don’t sweat the small stuff. If we don’t agree on something 100%, then we do not move forward with the story until we do agree. We have never had any major fights, ever. When writing we of course plot chapter by chapter. We split the chapters up by calling out whichever chapter sounds most appealing to the person. Then each of us write the chapters, then swap and put our personal touch in them. We always love what the other writes but if we don’t then we talk about how we could change it to where we both love it. Then there are always final edits were we put our final thoughts in. Co-writing is definitely a give/receive type of relationship. You must love that partner as family because when writing a book with one another you pretty much birthed a child together. We can honestly say it is a lifetime friendship.
Azaleigh's life is simple until, by chance, she meets Kale. Charming and handsome, Az is immediately drawn to him. But long kept secrets lurk in the hearts of those Az holds most dear, and dangerous plans are unfolding around her. As her life begins to crumble and Kale disappears, Gage, charismatic and striking, arrives, providing a calm port in an increasingly violent storm. But with every narrow escape from a far from human bounty hunter who's after her life, Az begins to unravel a secret with the power to change her forever. In an increasingly hostile world of Angel and Fallen, Azaleigh must navigate her own path, chose her own side, and ultimately protect her heart. Faced with two gorgeous men, an enemy she doesn’t know, and a future she cannot understand, Az must make a choice—the man she loves, or the man she cannot live without.
Author Bio’s
Danielle Hylton-Outland was raised in Virginia. She grew up having a huge appetite for daydreaming; always wanting to live in the spectacular worlds she created in her mind. She now lives with her husband and dog where she is pursuing a degree in literature. Danielle is a strong animal activist. She is currently co-writing the second book in the Flesh Series, "Flesh and Flames".
April Fifer grew up in a small town in Virginia, where it was common practice believing that dreams could only be found in stories. At the age of seven she was diagnosed with dyslexia. She was told that she would struggle through life and would never pick up a book to read for pleasure. Although school was hard, she was able to find her way with the help of two teachers who taught her self-discovery. Ignoring what she was taught growing up, she turned it around and found that your dreams could become stories.
Contact information:!/FiferHylton
Available for purchase
Silver Publishing
Book Trailer
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Six Sentence Sunday
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Mate By The Music Has Released!

A mission to find his brother sends Scott Quaid to Gunther’s Bar, but a storm has emptied the place of everyone except a beautiful shifter hot enough to dry his damp leathers. |
Excerpt contains graphic content~Holy Shit. He wanted her. “You’re going to be a problem. Aren’t you?” Her accent sounded British, but not upper crust and stuffy. No, the little woman spoke like she’d stepped right out the back alleys of London and had no problem with that whatsoever. Her eyes dared him to argue. He didn’t intend to. “I’m searching for my brother.” She gazed right and left. “Doesn’t seem to be here. Sorry.” Scott rolled his eyes. “Obviously.” “I’m Nancy Elwood.” She stepped out from behind the bar. “Nancy.” He didn’t know why he felt the need to repeat her name. Maybe because, for some weird reason, it felt good on his tongue. Like her pussy would. He blinked at the thought. Wow. How long has it been since I’ve gone to bed with a woman? Weeks earlier. Not fabulous either. But not long enough to warrant such juvenile inner dialogue. “I’m Scott Quaid.” The bartender walked past him to an old-fashioned jukebox. She studied it for a moment, giving him a glance of her fine ass. After a second, she tuned it to a song he didn’t recognize. Something country-western, but with a club beat. He hadn’t known such music existed. I need to get out more. She approached until she stood directly below him. With his six feet of height, she stared up from a long way down. After a quick raise of her eyebrow, she grinned. “You’re tall. Are you big everywhere?” “Are you small everywhere? I like to explore tiny places.” All right. That seemed pretty fucking random. She licked her lips and threw her apron on the ground. His mouth dried again. “I’m trying to find my brother. He’s missing. Hasn’t turned up for work in a week. The last night I spoke to him, he planned on going here.” “Maybe he took a vacation. I hear it’s good for the soul.” |
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Six Sentence Sunday

Fate has chosen and she is perfect. In another second his inner-canine might start growling at him. Rex couldn’t remember the last time he and his other half had been so at odds with one another. It had been decades at least.
He sighed. She’s a witch.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Darkest Wolf Has Released!

Darkest Wolf has released. You can find it here.
Rex Kane has always known he was different than his brothers, down to the fact that when he shifts into his wolf form, his coat is completely black. Always in trouble, he is given one more chance by his brother Tristan, the alpha of the Westervelt pack, to bring back to their island a witch who can stop some of the magical assault that has plagued their war-torn home. Rex knows he has one last chance to set things right. Everything depends on him and he cannot fail.
Elizabeth Willow has been cursed to look so repulsive no human eyes can bear to view her. Raised in a gentle coven of witches, she is ill prepared for the realities of the harsh world she now lives in.
Raised to mistrust wolf-shifters as witch-killers, she cannot seem to help being drawn to Rex. Even if she doesn't believe she is his so-called mate. He can see her as she really is and is the first person to look her in the eyes in years. Although she is not naturally devious, she sees no choice but to use Rex to gain her own freedom and her family’s safety.
Together, Rex and Elizabeth will see just how evil the people around them can be. If they can trust their hearts, perhaps they will survive another night. If not, both of their battles will never be won.