Series, love em’ or hate em’?
A question I’m asked all the time is, “why do you write series?” The answer is simple, cause I love them! I’m not a huge fan of single titles and rarely read them. Mainly because after I’m done the book I’m left wanting more and frustrated that it ends there.
So, when I started writing it was pretty clear cut that I would write series. I enjoy the exploration of the characters and the way that it’s not just a single adventure but a few that makes up their life. For me, what makes a story great is the attachment received from the characters. You want to cry with them, cheer them on, and swoon over their growing love. And that, for me, just isn’t possible in a single title. I’m always left saying, “but what happened after...”
I suppose I get emotionally attached to the characters I write as well as read. I live their journey with them and I want to feel fulfilled that I’ve watched them grow, go through hardships, but in the end, succeed. I need to see all of the events that have brought them happiness, because as we all know, life is forever changing. And I want to experience that process with them.
What are your thoughts on the subject? Are you like me who just can’t let go after one story or are you satisfied with single titles?
If you like series like I do...danger, love, supernatural creatures and men that make you swoon, The Magical Sword, might be right up your alley.
~ Stacey
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Thanks for having me by Rebecca!! :)